
Tomorrow is Saturday

Today was Friday, it barely registered

Tomorrow is Saturday, I will try to be better

You see that?

That was way too easy

Like how the muse

Can redirect your passions if you let her

You see just how easy it is to lie to yourself

And actually follow that diversion

To even feel a spark of positivity

Before seeing through your own self-deception?

There is no better tomorrow

I’ll be sat on my arse growling at the World

Trying to hide the growling from the small one

Around who

My only hopes for any future are furled

So yeah, today drifted through unlived

And tomorrow is still waiting

For it’s heart’s first beat

And although I’ll be sat here growling at the World?

I’ll know it’s still laid out there at my feet

I get that it’s a numbers game

And you’ll only catch life, if you are giving chase

But I stopped running a while back now

Sat where I was, which is why I’m in this place

Among the many regrets I bear

Is the time it took to realise the cost

The cost of looking back, of fears, of pain

Of doubling down by chasing what was lost

Today was Friday, I let it pass unharmed

So it now becomes just another forgotten day

Saturday could be mine if I chose to reach out

But is more likely destined

To join the others in the grey


Billy 22/01/21